Registered Under Registrar of Firms & Societies Punjab
(ACT. XXI OF 1860) No.090 of 2020-2021
Area of Operation Punjab & Chandigarh
Constitution (AUCT)
MEMBERSHIP: Membership is open for all Unaided AND aided teachers of affiliated colleges of Punjab
Guru Nanak Dev University and Punjabi University Patiala, who agree to abide by the Rules &
regulations of the society and wish to serve for Educational and Charitable causes for the welfare
of mankind without any personal gain or motive. The person desiring to become the member of the
society shall apply on prescribed forms. The application shall be considered and scrutinized by the
HAIBOWAL KALAN, LUDHIANA-141001 (PB.), who may accept or reject the same and the decision of
Governing body shall be final. On admission, every member shall sign the “Register of
maintained by the Society.
SUBSCRIPTION: Every member shall pay monthly or yearly subscription as prescribed by the
Body from time to time and shall deposit the same with the Cashier who will issue a proper receipt
of the same.
GOVERNING BODY (Formation and functions)
The affairs of the Society shall be managed by the body known as “Governing body”
shall consist of at-least 12 members. The list of present Governing Body is fully detailed
in Para no. 4 of the memorandum of Association.
The members to the Governing Body shall be elected from amongst the members by majority of
votes by the General Body after two year.
The names, addresses and occupation of the members so elected to the Governing Body shall be
communicated to registrar of Societies within two weeks of its formation.
The Governing Body shall not stand dissolved merely on account that any of its members has
resigned or otherwise left the association, but the remaining members of the Governing Body
shall have the power to nominate any members in his/her place till the next general
No member of the Governing Body shall be entitled to any fee or remuneration for the work of
the Association except for the actual expenses or traveling allowance incurred by him for
the actual expenses or traveling allowance incurred by him for the work of the Association.
The Governing Body shall have the power to prescribe special condition and rules for
admission of the members to the Society.
FUNDS VESTED IN THE GOVERNING BODY: - The funds (movable and immovable) of the society shall
vested in the Governing Body which shall have the power to administer the same.
The General Body Meeting: shall be held at-least once in
a year and shall transact,
interalia the following business: -
The President’s report on the functioning and achievement of the society.
Passing the Annual Budget.
All other matters of general interest.
The Governing Body Meetings: The Governing Body shall
meet once in at-least six months or as
it may deem fit in the interest of the work of the association.
Special Meetings: The President of the society shall have
the power to call for Special
Meeting of the general body and governing body by giving 7 days and 24 hours urgent notice
respectively to the members concerned.
Notice of Meeting: The notice for the General Body
Meetings and the Governing body Meetings
can be called at short notice.
QUORUM: The minimum number needed to make a quorum to hold the meeting shall be one-third of
total number of members eligible to attend meeting and to vote. It is however, provided that if
within one hour from the time appointed for meeting, the quorum is not complete, the meeting shall
be adjourned to next day at the same place and time and the quorum shall be the members present and
they would transact the business for which the meeting was called.
RESOLUTION: All the resolutions and decisions at the meetings shall be taken by majority view
or by
election by the members present in the meeting.
BANK ACCOUNT: A bank account shall be opened in the name of the society and the same shall be
operated jointly by at least two members to be appointed by the governing Body by a special
resolution, which shall be communicated to the bank from time to time.
INSPECTION OF RECORDS: Every member of the society has the right to inspect the records of
Association and General Secretary shall grant the necessary permission for the same at all
reasonable times.
ALTERATION IN RULES: Any addition, alteration or omissions in the Rules & Regulations of the
shall be affected by special resolution passed by two-third of the members present in person and
entitled to vote a General meeting of the Society duly convened. So far as concerns the alterations,
extensions or abridgements in the purposes of the Society, the provisions of Section 12 of the
Societies registration Act, 1860 shall apply.
REMOVAL OF MEMBERS: The governing body shall have the power to remove any member of
the Society, who mis-conducts himself in the affairs of the Society or does any act which
undermines the reputation of the Society or is convicted by court of competent jurisdiction. The
Governing Body, before dismissing the member shall give him proper opportunity of being heard. The
members reeling under suspension or termination too would be entitled to its membership and office
the verdict of the Honorable Supreme Court is pending.
CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT THEREOF: Regular accounts of the SOCIETY shall be maintained.
yearly accounts shall be closed on 31st march each year. The accounts of the SOCIETY shall be duly
audited by a Chartered or Competent Accountant.
INVESTMENT OF FUNDS OF THE SOCIETY: The funds of the SOCIETY shall be invested in the modes
specified under the provisions of Section 13 (I) (d) read with Section 11 (5) of the Income Tax Act,
1961 as amended from time to time. It is hereby clarified that all the members of the SOCIETY are
rendering social and honorary services and have no personal interest.
BENEFICIERIES OF THE SOCIETY: The benefits of the SOCIETY shall be opened to all mankind
irrespective of caste, creed or religion.
UTILISATION OF INCOME: It is specifically provided that all the members of the SOCIETY
the members in the Managing committee shall be rendering Honorary Services to the SOCIETY. No
portion of the income of the SOCIETY shall be utilized for payment to the members of the society
including members of the Managing committee by way of any profit, dividend, etc. The funds of the
Income of the SOCIETY shall solely be utilized for the achievements of the objects of the SOCIETY.
AMENDMENTS: Any amendment of the memorandum of Association/Bye laws/Rules and regulations
which may
prove to be repugnant to the provisions of section 2 (15), 11, 12 and 13 and 80-G of the income tax
Act, 1961 as amended from time to time shall be carried out with the prior approval of the
Jurisdictional Commissioner of Income Tax.
PRESIDENT: The President of Society shall conduct regulate and preside all the meetings of
Society. His/her rulings as to point of order shall be final and Conclusive. He/she shall also be
the appointing the authority of the employees of the society.
THE VICE–PRESIDENT: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall presides all
meetings of the society and exercise all such powers.
THE GENERAL SECRETARY: The general Secretary shall look after the affairs of the Society
under the
directions of the Governing Body. The general Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept proper
minutes of the proceedings of the meetings of the association/Society. He/she will do all such act
and things which are necessary for implementing the decisions and resolution of the Governing Body
or general Body. He/she shall also keep or cause to be kept all records of the society at a place to
be determined by the Governing Body.
THE JOINT SECRETARY: In the absence of General Secretary, the Joint Secretary will perform
THE FINANCE SECRETARY: Finance Secretary shall act under the directions of the Governing
He/she will maintain up to date account of all income and expenditure of the Society. He/she will
also prepare a statement of accounts on the close of a year.
Any number not less than 3/5th of the members present at the meeting specially convened for
the purpose may determine that the Society shall be dissolved whether for with or at any
future time then agreed upon.
If on the dissolution of the Society, there shall remain after the satisfaction of its
debts and liabilities and property, whatsoever, nor impressed with any Society, agreed
between the Society and the Donor or Donors, the same shall not be paid or distributed
amongst the members of the society or any of them but shall be given to some other Society
or Institution working for the same or similar objects as those of the Society to be
determined by the Votes of not less than three fifth of the members present in person and
entitled to vote at the meeting convened for the purpose.
It is also provided that the charitable SOCIETY to whom the assets of this Society shall be
transferred has similar objects and aims and also enjoy recognition under Section 80-G of
income Tax Act, 1961 as amended from time to time.
The Society shall work within the ambit of Societies Registration Act, 1860.
The funds of the Society shall be spent for such purpose only as have been defined as
under the Income tax or any other law governing for charitable purpose.